It’s time you were heard.

In a world of self-paced online courses, self checkout and apps for everything, sometimes it’s nice to work with a real, local practitioner that actually takes the time to get to know you.

Minerals, Metabolism, Mental Health & The Microbiome.

it’s what we do.

Stress impacts everyone’s body a little bit differently. Long term stress and trauma can have detrimental effects on the mineral system, hormones, gut & more. Over time what we like to call “mystery symptoms” develop and many people will begin to notice increased inflammation and a reduced stress tolerance. This can sometimes look like irritability, anxiety, fatigue and general pain. Others suffer digestive and/or weight management challenges. We appreciate the interconnectedness of the human biology and use nutrition science to restore balance and resiliency to the body alongside mindset coaching & metacognitive techniques which calm the mind. Our holistic gut-brain centered approach includes proven and professional drug-free protocols which can be a standalone, integrative or complimentary solution to ongoing health concerns. Driven by data, proven by science, provided by nature wherever possible.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Our flagship noninvasive metabolic screening, great for assessing nutritional status at a cellular level! We include HTMA testing with all of our packages and use the data to help you optimize blood sugar balance, hormone health, cardiovascular health, electrolyte status, adrenal fatigue and energetic response. This test can act like a compass and point us in the direction of what systems in the body are in need of further testing and support. Great for adults and children alike.

We offer a full catalog of functional lab tests

Get cutting edge, functional tests you can’t anywhere else. We offer advanced nutritional and metabolic testing, DNA pathogen screenings, plus neurotransmitter and brain wellness tests (just to name a few) which offer the latest in science combined with natural protocols which aim to promote wellness for your whole family.

A note from the owner

Bridget May Orosz HHC, HTMA-P, FDN-P

I first became acquainted with holistic health modalities when caring for my mother during her long and arduous battle with colon cancer. She did everything she could to heal and even fell victim to scam artists selling her a “cure”. Unfortunately, it was too late for natural modalities and her resistance to traditional therapies eventually cost her life.

In time, I came to understand my mother’s mistrust when I developed a rare neurological condition called IIH which went undiagnosed for nearly a year as I bounced from doctor to doctor. IIH, formerly known as pseudo-tumor cerebri (dubbed for it’s symptomology which mimics a brain tumor) requires a timely diagnosis to avoid damage to the optic nerve and/or permanent blindness. Mainstream medicine seemed to leave me with more questions than answers, but I wasn’t entirely ready to turn a blind eye to science, pun intended.

While I do now have some partial vision loss in my right eye, over the years, I have gained more insight than you could imagine. I was told I had two options: lose weight or risk going permanently blind. I eventually came to understand that long term stress, hormone imbalances and chronic digestive issues were likely at the root. Because of this, I take a special interest in all things gut-brain axis, stress, hormones and metabolism as well as the mental-emotional and nutritional mechanisms of chronic illness and weight management. As a certified Holistic Health & Nutrition Coach, I have created my own protocols which combine science backed techniques with a holistic mind, body, spirit approach. I reclaimed my health and now I’d like to empower you to reclaim your own.


In-person and remote options

Get the best results with 1:1 coaching! In-person, online or both! Our beautiful office is located at 92 N Summit Street in Southington, CT.

How to get started?